Table for Two

Renuka Navani
Sep 30, 2022

Dinner for two?

An intense ‘what’s up’ after a tense lust-making

Tea for two?

A perpetual receiver, not a giver

Takeaway for two?

A debacle in the making

Coffee for two?

A side-role, only for an in-betweener

Tickets for two?

Binge-watched your show, ignored my movie

Drinks for two?

Cleared history, I was mystery, secret like porn

Dessert for two?

Texted “you up?”, never shared a meme or a song

Visit for two?

Dating and Mating incognito

No highs, many lows, no climaxes, only endings!

Yet, a table for two…



Renuka Navani

Active daydreamer. Closet introvert. Passive nihilist. Reluctant existentialist. Wannabe writer. Unassertive reader.